Online Virtual Bouquet Design

Not sure which flowers to use in your bouquet? Wondering which colors work best together? Looking for a way to communicate your ideas to your florist? Here’s a tool I came across recently, from Designed By The Bride, which lets you to virtually “design” your own bouquet online, then save or print the results!

Design your own bouquet with the online tools offered by Designed By The Bride
Design your own bouquet with the online tools offered by Designed By The Bride

It looks like a great brainstorming and idea-generating tool, as well as a fun way to throw together preliminary combinations and see quickly if something of promise develops. There are six palettes of various flowers, greens, and fillers to choose from, and the sidebar allows you to rotate, size, and arrange the different elements of your bouquet as it is built.

A sample bouquet created using Designed By The Bride's online tool

A bouquet created with Designed By The Bride's web tool

Check it out at I hope everyone has a great weekend! See you on Monday.

Photo Credits: Screenshots from Designed By The Bride

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Enthusiast of traveling, writing, cinematography, all things tech, good coffee, and craft beer. Founder of Mediasoft Technologies, Inc. & Author of "e-Plan Your Wedding". Follow me at @jason_melendez and check out my blog.


  1. avatar ajay das says:

    fantastic!! Just what I was looking for. are there any other software like this. my products are dry flowers I would like to use a tool like this for my bouquets.

  2. avatar emma says:

    on the bouquet thing works well…but im adding something to my bouquet that they dont even have amoungst the flowers…spider plant, i mean thers no vines, dangling plants, nothing only thing close is single ivy leaves and the flower stems …but then it looks akward, so its awesome unless you wish to add vines or something

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