Well, it sure has been a booze-centric week on WedShare Daily, and I wouldn’t want to break the run, so here’s a little something tasty to end the week with. If you’re looking for the perfect signature drink for your big day, or happen to find yourself at a Halloween party this weekend where you’d like to try something new, give this iPhone app a test drive.
Drinks Free is a totally free app, and it contains recipes for more than 5,800 different drinks, all categorized and searchable wherever you happen to be. Save your favorites so that the recipes are always just a tap away. Another cool feature is the random drink button, which will give you a random drink recipe every time you push it; you’re sure to find some drinks you’ve never even heard of, and–who knows–one of them may just be that perfect signature drink you’re looking for!
Have a great Halloween weekend, everyone!
Photo Credit: Screenshot from Webworks and Applications, Inc.